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The following Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) will clearly communicate our expectations in working together. If you have any questions, please raise any questions before signing to make sure we are all on the same page moving forward.

In exchange for agreeing to work together with Vanessa Grutman, you agree to be bound by the following conditions.

Contractual Terms

Parties. This Agreement is made between VGrutman Consulting Inc., a Corporation operating in the Province of Quebec (“Vanessa Grutman,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) and you, the undersigned (electronically or by hand) or person who has clicked “I Agree” (or something similar) to this Agreement (“you” and “your”).

Our Commitment to You. We promise to provide you with health coaching services, as outlined in Schedule “A” Services (the “Services”). In order to provide the best possible experience, we will also do the following:

We will strive to support you in healing the root cause of your symptoms to reclaim your energy and start magnetizing your dreams.

We will meet live weekly and support with monthly 30-60 minutes visits. You will receive a detailed plan to support your healing journey. We will be accessible by email to support and adjust your program and see if any modifications are required. We’re committed to showing up on time at all our scheduled meetings and protecting their confidentiality.

Our one-on-one programs will be customized to your unique individual needs, goals and abilities, while group programs will take into consideration the current level and general fitness profiles of registered participants.

Communication is important to us, so we will do our best to clearly communicate with you about any preparation instructions, follow-up information or scheduling details related to your Services.

What We Expect of You. Just as you are investing in us, we are also investing time and energy in you. For you to gain the most from the Services, here is what we expect of you:

Respect. We expect you to show kindness and respect to all staff, other participants, and everyone you interact with when receiving the Services..

Time Integrity. We expect you to commit to your personal wellness by showing up on time to each scheduled session, ready to participate. We also expect you to honor the cancellation policy detailed in section 6 below.

Ownership. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being and actions during the course of the Services.

Commitment. We expect you to be committed to the Services and your practice and that you will do things to help you improve your own body.

Communication. We expect you to communicate your success and struggle in real time, so I can support you fully.

Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will begin on the date of execution by both parties and will continue for the duration of the Services as agreed upon between you and Vanessa Grutman (the “Term”).

The Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time by providing 14 days advance written notice to the other party via email. However, if you terminate the Agreement before the Term is complete, you will be obligated to make all payments as outlined in Schedule “A” Services.

Payment. Payment details and cost for the Services are outlined in Schedule “A” Services.

Payment Method on File. You may elect to keep a credit card or other method on file with us. By placing a card on file, the cardholder and account holder give permission to Vanessa Grutman’s staff to charge the card for any session, auto-debit membership and/or cancellation fees (if applicable) accrued in accordance with the cancellation policy detailed below.

Declined Charge. In the event of a declined credit card/debit card when charging for monthly payments, your Services will be immediately suspended, pending you updating your payment information and paying the amount due in full.

Cancellations and Refunds. Integrity and keeping your word are the cornerstones of all success. With that in mind, this is how we’ve drafted our cancellation and refund policy:

Refunds. Purchases are refundable on a case-by-case basis, prior to receiving the Services. There are no refunds available for Services already rendered.

Cancellation & Reschedule Policy. Please give 24 hours’ notice if you have to cancel or reschedule, provided it is in the timeframe of this Agreement. If you give less than 24 hours’ notice, your session will not be rescheduled.

Confidentiality. We operate and grow in a safe space. We want you to know that everything shared throughout the Services is strictly confidential. We may choose to share anonymous information about you for professional or promotional purposes, but confidential or personal information will only be used to complete the Services, except for in the following scenarios:

To provide any necessary or relevant information to a medical or healthcare professional or entity,

As required by law or court order,

When there is a risk of imminent danger to yourself or others,

Where there is a reasonable suspicion that a child or any vulnerable person is in need of protection.

Affiliate Sales. Vanessa Grutman is dedicated to promoting products and services that will be of interest to our community. In the course of providing our Services, we may recommend, highlight, sell, or link to our affiliates’ products and services that may be beneficial to you, and, in some cases, we may receive a small commission from our affiliates. Regardless of whether we receive a commission, we will only link to products and services that we support and that we truly believe will be helpful to you. Please note that in cases where we recommend, highlight, sell, or link to health supplements or similar products, these products may not be approved by governmental agencies.

No Guarantees. Vanessa Grutman cannot guarantee the success of, or any particular outcome from the Services. We promise to provide you with the opportunity and Services to support you and see you grow, but the success of the Services ultimately depends on you.

Ownership of Materials. All the content that we have provided to you, including but not limited to videos, documents and PDFs, are for your use only and are not to be re-distributed or re-used.

Substitute Services. Vanessa Grutman has the right to substitute services. This means that if we ever need to switch to online services or asynchronous virtual offerings due to circumstances beyond our control, we have the right to such a substitution for in person classes.

Legal Fees. You will be responsible for any and all legal fees incurred by Vanessa Grutman regarding any potential chargeback issues (for example, if you want to issue a chargeback or contest a payment).

Waiver. Before the Services can begin, you must sign our Waiver Agreement form. Please read it and make sure you understand it. You need to sign, or otherwise agree to, that form as well as this Agreement so that we can be absolutely sure you understand and agree to it.

Force Majeure. Vanessa Grutman will not be liable for any failure or delay regarding the Services if such failure or delay is: beyond the reasonable control of Vanessa Grutman, could not have been reasonably foreseen or provided against, or due to events such as a pandemic, natural disaster, or other Act of God. In such an event, you will not be entitled to any refunds or recovery.

Standard Legal Things. Choice of Laws and Venue. This Agreement will be governed exclusively by the laws of the Province of Quebec. The parties agree to irrevocably submit all claims to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Quebec. Severability. If any provisions of this Agreement are invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions in the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and replaces any prior agreements. Waiver of Breach. The waiver by Vanessa Grutman of any breach by you of any provision of this Agreement will not be taken to be a waiver of any further breaches by you. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed by any number of counterparts, each of which is an original, and all of which taken together constitute one single document. Online Agreement. We agree that this Agreement may be signed electronically or agreed to by having You click “I Agree,”(or something similar) the effect of which will be the same as if we signed this Agreement by hand and the intention of which is that both parties desire to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement.

Made it. Excited to do great things!


The Energy Upgrade Health Coaching Program


CAD $997 + taxes / month or $5,497 (pay-in-full)

Duration: 6 months

You may pay in-full up front or via monthly payments. However, we will not schedule the initial consultation or send any pre-work documents until we have received payment.


Weekly live calls (recorded)
Monthly 1:1 meetings with Vanessa
Monthly 1:1 meetings with Success Coach
Access to Expert Workshops
Exclusive Savings on functional medicine supplements
Private online community
I agree

Upgrade your experience with the liver detox!

Special one-time offer, $167 including taxes and shipping (save $20)
Complete the 7-day liver detox to reset your body and mind. This will help amplify the learnings.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


The Portal 6/6$33

A ceremony for high-achieving women of the new world ready to activate their infinite light.  

After the power of the recent High-Achiever event, you are invited to deepen the work through a sacred ceremony during the 6/6 portal under the energy of the JAGUAR. 

The 6/6 portal of June 6 is known to be a potent one for transformation and claiming of our truth and power - what an opportunity to open this portal together and start leading ourselves like never before. 
Let’s reignite our solar power and intuition to unlock more effortless potential and inner trust.  

As we prepare for the summer solstice and the sun’s beaming energy, it’s time to choose YOU for all that you are and start making your life simpler, more abundant and joyful.  

Vanessa will take you through this 2-hour ceremony of remembrance on June 6 at 9-11am PST (12-2pm EST). 

$33 Limited spots available. 

Save yours today!


- Powerful opening ceremony;

- Teachings that will anchor your energy and open up your intuition in time for summer;

- Activation and transmission to open your body's receptivity;

- Sacred sisterhood to hold the energy;

- Lifetime access to the replay.

Let's build-up from the energy and light of HIGH-ACHIEVER. Here's what women had to say about this event:

"I feel empowered and motivated. powerful to create change. I feel so grateful for you and your team’s time for sharing your gifts with us." - Tanya O. 

"Absolutely would do this event again and recommended it to sooo many people.  Thank you Vanessa so much for holding the space and lighting a fire and reminding me of what is truly possible and the power we hold" - Erin C.

"Thank you so much everyone! This has light a fire to create possibilities. I love being able to dream big dreams. This group of women and inspiring and I feel so much lighter and empowered!" - Ashley F.  

"You're the best Vanessa!!! Thank you for being you and sharing your light with the world!!! xox" - Kat S.

 "I feel empowered to nurture my light and give myself grace...even if it inconveniences others. Thank you Vanessa, much love!" - April I.

" So inspirational. Thank you for opening me up and sharing your light with all of us. You are wonderful." - Lindsay T.
"Vanessa, I feel empowered! The energy and path to action has impacted my self worth and alignment. I know I'm here for more and I can't wait to share my gifts" - Maria B.

"Thank you for challenging me, making me feel the emotions and re-igniting my soul" - Dawn H. 

 "SO powerful, so much shifted in so many ways, by being there for others and for myself; connecting, inspirational, powerful, so much love and energy from group as well, so vivid and emotional, there will be a before and after this event!" - Anne-Marie G. 

 "Thank you for giving so much of your light to us this past week. You have been a gift to me and all of us" - Kim T.

"My heart is full of gratitude. Thank you all " - Rosalee Y.  

"Thank you so much! Feeling empowered and lighter closer to me again. Very inspiring!" - Brittany G. 

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Portal 6/6$33

All prices in USD
