Resilient: A 5-module program by Vanessa Grutman

What if you could stretch your capacity to hold it all?

A regulated nervous system knows how to feel the fear without running away. 

A regulated nervous system is not bypassing but holding the wide range of emotions that women leaders get to feel.

A regulated nervous system allows you to expand your capacity to feel with a soft heart (feminine energy).

You’re ready to lead yourself like never before 

- by balancing the masculine and feminine energy of resilience

Resilience is a muscle. One we can only flex by using it wisely and consistently.

It’s time to become RESILIENT wit the heart. 

Elevate your self-leadership = become supernatural

We are all leaders.

We are the leader of ourselves and our own life, first and foremost. 

RESILIENT has been designed for ambitious women wanting to feel more grounded and solid in their leadership posture so they can step into a higher version of themselves. 

A journey to rewire your mindset and strengthen your body’s capacity for resilience. You will gain:

  • Empowered Self-Leadership: Master the skills to lead yourself with strength and authenticity, even in the face of challenges.
  • Emotional Regulation: Learn how to regulate your nervous system, manage stress, and maintain inner calm.
  • Fear Mastery: Tame your fears and shift from hesitation to bold, decisive action.
  • Freedom from External Validation: Break free from the need for approval and stand in your own worth.

Resilient will be unique experience for feminine leaders who are: 

  • Leaders and Entrepreneurs looking to enhance their leadership skills, regulate stress, and lead themselves and their teams with confidence and resilience. 
  • Professionals at a Crossroad that want to break free from self-doubt, gain clarity, and confidently make decisions in their career or personal life. 
  • High Achievers Seeking Balance - those who want to maintain their drive without burning out by learning how to balance ambition with self-regulation. 
  • Women Feeling Blocked by Fears - anyone who wants to overcome fear, anxiety, or the need for external validation, and step into their true power.

What could happen in your life if you were able to regulate your nervous system, tame your fears, lead yourself and break free from external validation? 

What opportunities could you say YES to if you led yourself at a higher level? 

What could happen if you walked through life with conviction and weren't constantly stalled?


Join RESILIENT for $2,222.

The Resilient Journey

5 weeks, 5 modules, 10 sessions

Each week, one module will be taught and 2 days later there will be a live Q&A to allow full integration.

Module 1 / Resilient Leader
Discovering what self-leadership truly means and how taking radical responsibility for it can literally shift how you show up everywhere, therefore impacting every sphere of your life. In problem solving or conflict situations, developing the emotional intelligence to understand what is yours and what is not.
Module 2 / Resilient Nervous system
Learning how to self-regulate, notice the signs, calm your nervous system and create practices that will bring peace even in chaotic moments.
Module 3 / Resilient Energetics
Witnessing the invisible forces that are impacting your energetic field and leadership force, namely fears, old stories and the need for external validation.
Module 4 / Resilient Soul
Looking at your big mission in the eyes and leading yourself through the actions required to make it happen.
Module 5 / Resilient Identity
Birthing the resilient version of you who can make bold decisions, speak her truth and magnetize aligned opportunities, thanks to through confidence and embodiment.


Only $2,222


What is the schedule of the program?
The program will run for 5 consecutive weeks starting on October 15th. For the most part, each module will be on Monday at 10am PST / 1pm EST and the Q&A session will be on Thursday 10am PST / 1pm EST. A link to download the calendar and auto-populate your Google, Outlook or iCal calendar will be provided.
Is this program only for women entrepreneurs?
While having higher levels of resilience and self-leadership in business is a critical asset nowadays, we believe that everyone is a leader in their own life and so building the muscle of resilience can be a game-changer for any ambitious woman.
Will there be replays and how long do we have access to them?
Absolutely - when joining RESILIENT, you will be given access to a safe portal where the replays will be posted on the same day. You will have access to replays for a full year.

*Trigger warning*

This program is for leaders who are ready to lead themselves. We will be talking about stepping out of the victim mentality, witnessing the excuses that are stalling us, where we play small and beyond. It might not be comfortable at times - the intention is always witnessing to heal.

Fine prints:

- This seasonal program is included for members of Femme Biohacker - The Program. 

 - All programs are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

The content of this program is all original content, none of it has been generated by AI.

RESULTS - Each guest is responsible for its own progression and results during and after this program. The information shared during the program are given for informational purposes and are designed for general interest or based on personal opinions. Vanessa Grutman and her team can’t be held responsible for the way guests will be using this information.

VGrutman Consulting Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved.

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RESILIENT by Vanessa Grutman

Contact information

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The following Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) will clearly communicate our expectations in working together. If you have any questions, please raise any questions before signing to make sure we are all on the same page moving forward.

In exchange for agreeing to work together with Vanessa Grutman, you agree to be bound by the following conditions.

Contractual Terms

Parties. This Agreement is made between VGrutman Consulting Inc., a Corporation operating in the Province of Quebec (“Vanessa Grutman,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) and you, the undersigned (electronically or by hand) or person who has clicked “I Agree” (or something similar) to this Agreement (“you” and “your”).

Our Commitment to You. We promise to provide you with health and business coaching services, as outlined in Schedule “A” Services (the “Services”). In order to provide the best possible experience, we will also do the following:
- We will strive to support you in optimizing your health and business with the hopes of helping you level up your output.
- There will be live sessions hosted weekly to ensure your ongoing progression. You will be able to ask all your questions during those sessions or in the private online community that we monitor daily. We’re committed to showing up on time at all our scheduled meetings and protecting every participant's confidentiality.
- Communication is important to us, so we will do our best to clearly communicate with you about any preparation instructions, follow-up information or scheduling details related to your Services.

What We Expect of You. Just as you are investing in us, we are also investing time and energy in you. For you to gain the most from the Services, here is what we expect of you:
- Respect. We expect you to show kindness and respect to all staff, other participants, and everyone you interact with when receiving the Services..
- Time Integrity. We expect you to commit to your personal wellness by showing up on time to each scheduled session, ready to participate. We also expect you to honor the cancellation policy detailed in section 6 below.
- Ownership. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being and actions during the course of the Services.
- Commitment. We expect you to be committed to the Services and your practice and that you will do things to help you improve your own body.
- Communication. We expect you to communicate your success and struggle in real time, so I can support you fully.

Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will begin on the date of execution by both parties and will continue for the duration of the Services as agreed upon between you and Vanessa Grutman (the “Term”). The Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time by providing 14 days advance written notice to the other party via email. However, if you terminate the Agreement before the Term is complete, you will be obligated to make all payments as outlined in Schedule “A” Services.

Payment. Payment details and cost for the Services are outlined in Schedule “A” Services.

Payment Method on File. You may elect to keep a credit card or other method on file with us. By placing a card on file, the cardholder and account holder give permission to Vanessa Grutman’s staff to charge the card for any session, auto-debit membership and/or cancellation fees (if applicable) accrued in accordance with the cancellation policy detailed below.

Declined Charge. In the event of a declined credit card/debit card when charging for monthly payments, your Services will be immediately suspended, pending you updating your payment information and paying the amount due in full.

Refunds. Purchases are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

Confidentiality. We operate and grow in a safe space. We want you to know that everything shared throughout the Services is strictly confidential. We may choose to share anonymous information about you for professional or promotional purposes, but confidential or personal information will only be used to complete the Services, except for in the following scenarios:
- To provide any necessary or relevant information to a medical or healthcare professional or entity, as required by law or court order,
- When there is a risk of imminent danger to yourself or others,
- Where there is a reasonable suspicion that a child or any vulnerable person is in need of protection.

Affiliate Sales. Vanessa Grutman is dedicated to promoting products and services that will be of interest to our community. In the course of providing our Services, we may recommend, highlight, sell, or link to our affiliates’ products and services that may be beneficial to you, and, in some cases, we may receive a small commission from our affiliates. Regardless of whether we receive a commission, we will only link to products and services that we support and that we truly believe will be helpful to you. Please note that in cases where we recommend, highlight, sell, or link to health supplements or similar products, these products may not be approved by governmental agencies.

No Guarantees. Vanessa Grutman cannot guarantee the success of, or any particular outcome from the Services. We promise to provide you with the opportunity and Services to support you and see you grow, but the success of the Services ultimately depends on you.

Ownership of Materials. All the content that we have provided to you, including but not limited to videos, documents and PDFs, are for your use only and are not to be re-distributed or re-used.

Substitute Services. Vanessa Grutman has the right to substitute services. This means that if we ever need to switch to online services or asynchronous virtual offerings due to circumstances beyond our control, we have the right to such a substitution for in person classes.

Legal Fees. You will be responsible for any and all legal fees incurred by Vanessa Grutman regarding any potential chargeback issues (for example, if you want to issue a chargeback or contest a payment).

Waiver. Before the Services can begin, you must sign our Waiver Agreement form. Please read it and make sure you understand it. You need to sign, or otherwise agree to, that form as well as this Agreement so that we can be absolutely sure you understand and agree to it.

Force Majeure. Vanessa Grutman will not be liable for any failure or delay regarding the Services if such failure or delay is: beyond the reasonable control of Vanessa Grutman, could not have been reasonably foreseen or provided against, or due to events such as a pandemic, natural disaster, or other Act of God. In such an event, you will not be entitled to any refunds or recovery.

Standard Legal Things. Choice of Laws and Venue. This Agreement will be governed exclusively by the laws of the Province of Quebec. The parties agree to irrevocably submit all claims to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Quebec. Severability. If any provisions of this Agreement are invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions in the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and replaces any prior agreements. Waiver of Breach. The waiver by Vanessa Grutman of any breach by you of any provision of this Agreement will not be taken to be a waiver of any further breaches by you. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed by any number of counterparts, each of which is an original, and all of which taken together constitute one single document. Online Agreement. We agree that this Agreement may be signed electronically or agreed to by having You click “I Agree,”(or something similar) the effect of which will be the same as if we signed this Agreement by hand and the intention of which is that both parties desire to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement.

Made it. Excited to do great things!


RESILIENT: A 5-module program by Vanessa Grutman

Cost: $2,222 USD, or 2 monthly payments of $1,333/month + taxes

Duration: 5 consecutive weeks starting on October 15, 2024

Payment: You may pay in-full up front or via monthly payments.

- 5 weekly modules with Vanessa. For the most part, each module will be on Monday at 10am PST / 1pm EST.
- 5 weekly Q&A sessions with Vanessa. Q&A sessions will be on Thursday 10am PST / 1pm EST.

Fine prints:
- This seasonal program is included for members of Femme Biohacker - The Program.
- All programs are non-refundable and non-transferrable.



Before participating in Vanessa Grutman’s services, we need you to thoroughly read, understand, and agree to this Waiver and Release of Liability (the “Waiver”). The purpose of this Waiver is to clearly communicate some risks of participating with us, and to have you release Vanessa Grutman of any liability if you get injured or sick, if you have complications or side effects, if any of your things are lost, stolen, or broken, or if anything else goes wrong. Please be aware that if you do not sign this Waiver and agree to its terms, you will not be permitted to participate in any classes.

If you are a minor in the Province of Quebec or in your place of residence, your legal guardian must also sign this Waiver on your behalf.


Parties. We are VGrutman Consulting Inc., a Corporation based in the Province of Quebec. In this Waiver, we will refer to ourselves as “Vanessa Grutman,” “us,” “we,” and “our.” We’ll refer to you, the undersigned (electronically or by hand), or the person who has clicked “I Agree” (or something similar) to this Waiver, as “you” or “your.”

The Services. While with us at Vanessa Grutman, you may receive the following health and business coaching services and more (the “Services”): The Services also apply to any of the Services made available for online streaming and participation or that take place outside of Vanessa Grutman’s facilities, including outdoors or at your home.

Inherent Risks. You understand that receiving the Services poses inherent risks and potential side effects, some more obvious or serious than others. These risks can result in serious harm and injuries that could change your quality of life, so we want you to be aware of them beforehand. Potential side effects and injuries include but are not limited to:
- Over-supplementation or improper supplementation resulting in allergic reaction, toxic overload, digestive distress, headaches, worsening of existing symptoms, etc.
- Emotional, psychological, and physiological changes, distress, disorientation related to changes in lifestyle, confronting difficult issues, personal challenges, and suppressed feelings or thoughts.
- If you are pregnant or recently gave birth, there are additional risks to your body and to the health of your fetus, including but not limited to pregnancy loss, low birth weight, early delivery and postpartum complications.

Affirmation of Health. By agreeing to receive the Services, you agree that you are healthy enough to receive them. If you are unsure, you affirm that you have sought medical advice and consulted with your primary care physician to determine that these are the right treatments for you and do not pose a significantly increased risk to your health. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, physical injuries, weakness, or are pregnant or post-natal, you should consult with your doctor first before engaging with the Services. Please communicate and inform us IMMEDIATELY if at any point you do not feel well during the Services.

Medical Disclaimer. You fully understand that Vanessa Grutman is not a medical or healthcare professional and that the Services and any information, consultation or facilitation provided by Vanessa Grutman does not constitute medical treatment or advice. You acknowledge and agree that your use of any dietary, lifestyle or wellness recommendations or information is completely voluntary, and you are solely responsible for freely choosing to implement them. Regarding any physical or mental health problems, ailments, conditions, eating disorders, or other diseases, you are now being advised that it is your responsibility to obtain competent medical advice from a licensed medical or mental health professional. You understand and agree that any service rendered by Vanessa Grutman is not designed to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease, pain, deformity, injury, or mental or physical condition of any kind.

No Guarantee of Results. While we aim to help you achieve your business goals, we do not guarantee any specific results or outcomes. Success in business depends on various factors including market conditions, individual effort, and external influences beyond our control.

Individual Responsibility. Your success ultimately depends on your own actions, decisions, and implementation of strategies discussed during coaching sessions. We encourage proactive participation and accountability in pursuing your business objectives.

Financial Risk. Engaging in business activities inherently involves financial risk. We do not accept responsibility for any financial losses incurred as a result of actions taken based on our coaching advice or recommendations.

Consultation with Professionals. Our coaching services are not a substitute for professional financial, legal, or business advice. We encourage you to consult with qualified professionals before making significant business decisions.

Voluntary Assumption of Risk. You have read this Waiver and understand the risks of receiving the Services provided by Vanessa Grutman. By signing, electronic signing, or clicking “I Agree” (or something similar), you are confirming your voluntary engagement and assumption of the risks of the Services.

Lost or Stolen Personal Items. You agree that it is solely your responsibility to safeguard your personal items, and Vanessa Grutman is in no way responsible for any of your personal property that is damaged, lost, or stolen before, during, or after your participation in the Services.

Release, Waiver, and Indemnity. You hereby release, hold harmless, indemnify and waive any claims against Vanessa Grutman and VGrutman Consulting Inc., as well as their members, owners, directors, officers, contractors, employees, affiliates, volunteers, associates, landlords, agents, executors, administrators, successors, family members and assigns (the “Released Parties”) with respect to any and all liability and damages incurred during, or in any way associated with, your participation in the Services with Vanessa Grutman, however caused, including as a result of the Released Parties’ negligence, including but not limited to damage to or loss of personal property, personal injuries, death, illness, or any cause of action related to premises liability. You are releasing the Released Parties at your own risk, and you agree to forfeit any and all forms of legal recourse which may be available to you, including but not limited to any form of damages, as a result of your participation in the Services. You agree that this provision applies to you, your family, heirs, executors, or anyone else who may be able to bring a legal action on your behalf in the future.

Continued Agreement. Agreement to this Waiver will act as your continued agreement to all ensuing treatments, workshops, and Services whether in person (inside or outside), online, or via video conferencing tool.

General Legal Provisions. Choice of Laws and Venue. This Waiver will be governed exclusively by the laws of the Province of Quebec. The parties agree to irrevocably submit all claims to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Quebec. Severability. If any terms or provisions of this Waiver are invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions in the Waiver will remain in full force and effect. Entire Agreement. This Waiver constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and replaces any prior agreements. Online Agreement. The parties agree that this Waiver may be signed electronically or agreed to by having you click “I Agree” (or something similar), the effect of which will be the same as signing by hand.

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment of $2,222USD$2222.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay of 2x $1,333USD2x $1333.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment

All prices in USD